This part was added in December, 2021, I recieved an inheritance, which I converted into a DC Fellowship at MGH. Following is the announcement for the fellowship, not yet awarded. The objective is Dr. Cohen's belief that the dcMEG opens up a new world of technology.
Five-year David Cohen (DC) Biomagnetism Fellowship
The Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging invites candidates to submit applications for a five-year David Cohen (DC) Biomagnetism Fellowship. The David Cohen Postdoctoral Fellow will develop experimental and analytical tools to measure ultra low-frequency or dc magnetic fields of biological origin and to apply these methods and tools to basic and clinical research studies of neurological, psychiatric, or other disorders.
The Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) is one of the world’s premier research centers devoted to the development and application of advanced biomedical imaging technologies. The Center is part of the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and is affiliated with both Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Our mission is to revolutionize imaging for the advancement of science and medicine. Inspire, educate, and inform. The Martinos Center provides an exceptionally rich multidisciplinary environment for collaborations and mentoring at all levels of training. More information can be found at the Martinos Center website
The endowed DC Fellowship is intended to provide salary support to a senior postdoctoral fellow for five years as they develop an independent research program and transition to junior faculty. To be eligible, a candidate must hold a Ph.D. and must have prior research experience in bioelectric or biomagnetic fields.
The fellowship will meet the NIH salary levels for Postdoctoral Trainees and Fellows, see
To apply, applicants should send a single PDF to containing:
- A cover letter with contact information
- A CV in an NIH biosketch format
- A four-page proposal including one page of specific aims, one page of background and significance, and two pages describing the research plan and experimental approach. The total length with citations can exceed the four-page limit.
- Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent directly to The letters should be from individuals familiar with the applicant’s research and potential to transition as an independent investigator.
Instructions, a sample, and a blank format page for an NIH Biosketch can be found at ( Please follow the Postdoctoral Fellowship biosketch format under Biographical Sketch Format Page (non-fellowship) Due Dates on/after January 25, 2022. An eRA Commons User Name is not required.
Should you have any questions regarding the fellowship, please do not hesitate to contact us by email:
The deadline for applications and letters of recommendation is 31 January 2022.