Articles in refereed journals (those in color can be expanded):
Cohen D, Moyer BJ, Shaw HC, Waddell CN. Emission of high-energy gamma line from C12. Physical Review 1954;96:714-15.
Cohen D, Lowe R, Hampson J. Infrared emission from high frequency discharges in C02. J Applied Physics 1957;28:737-41.
Cohen D, Burger AJ. Acceleration of polarized protons with strong focusing linear accelerators. Rev Sci Instr 1959;30:1134.
Cohen D. Feasibility of accelerating polarized protons with the Argonne ZGS. Rev Sci Instr 1962; 33:161-69.
Cohen D, Moyer BJ, Shaw HC, Waddell CN. Bremsttrahlung from proton bombardment of nuclei. Physical Rev 1963;130:1505-9.
Burleson GR, Cohen D, Lamb RC, Michael DN, Schluter RA, White TO. Observation of K mesonic x-rays in helium. Physical Rev Lett 1965;15(2):70-72.
Cohen D, Roman R. Fluorescent screens for accelerators. Nuclear Instr and Meth 1966;41:149-50.
Cohen D. Enhancement of ferromagnetic shielding against low frequency magnetic fields. Appl Physics Lett 1967;10:67-9.
Cohen D. A shielded facility for low level magnetic measurements. J Applied Physics 1967;38:1295-6.
Cohen D, Chandler L. Measurements and a simplified interpretation of magnetocardiograms from humans. Circulation 1969;39:395-402.
Cohen D. Detection and analysis of magnetic fields produced by bioelectric currents in humans. J Appl Physics. 1969;40(3):1046-48.
Cohen D. Large‑volume conventional magnetic shields. Rev de Physique Appliquee 1970;5:53-8.
Cohen D, Givler E. Magnetomyography: magnetic fields around the human body produced by skeletal muscles. Appl Physics Lett. 1972;21(3):114-16.
Cohen D, McCaughan D. Magnetocardiograms and their variation over the chest in normal subjects. Amer J Cardiol 1972;29:678-85.
Cohen D. Measurements of the magnetic fields produced by the human heart, brain, and lungs. IEEE Trans Mag 1975;MAG‑11(2):694-700.
Cohen D, Kaufman LA. Magnetic determination of the relationship between the S‑T segment shift and the injury current produced by coronary artery occlusion. Circulation Res. 1975;36:414-24.
Teyler TJ, Cuffin BN, Cohen D. The visual evoked magnetoencephalogram. Life Sciences 1975; 17:683-92.
Cohen D, Lepeschkin E, Hosaka H, Massell BF, Myers G. Abnormal patterns and physiological variations in magnetocardiograms. J Electrocardiology 1976;9(4) [Suppl on magnetocardiography] 398-409.
Cohen D, Hosaka H. Magnetic field produced by a current dipole. J Electrocardiology 1976;9(4) [Suppl on magnetocardiography]:409-17.
Hosaka H, Cohen D, Cuffin BN, Horacek BM. The effect of the torso boundaries on the magnetocardiogram. J Electrocardiology 1976;9(4) [Suppl on magnetocardiography]:418-25.
Hosaka H, Cohen D. Visual determination of generators of the magnetocardiogram. J Electrocardiol. 1976;9(4) [Suppl on magnetocardiography]:426-32.
Cuffin BN, Cohen D. Magnetic fields of a dipole in special volume conductor shapes. IEEE Trans on Biomed Eng 1977; BME 24:372-81.
Cuffin BN, Cohen D. Magnetic fields produced by models of biological current sources. J Appl Physics 1977;48:3971-80.
Cuffin BN, Cohen D. Comparison of the magnetoencephalogram and electroencephalogram. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 1979;47:132-46.
Cohen D, Crowther T, Gibbs G, Becklake M. Magnetic lung measurements in relation to occupational exposure in asbestos miners and millers of Quebec. Env Res 1981;26:535-50..
Savard P, Cohen D, Lepeschkin E, Cuffin BN, and Madias JE. Magnetic measurement of S‑T and T‑Q segment shifts in humans.Part I:Early repolarization and left bundle branch block. Circ Res 1983; 53:264-73.
Cohen D. and Cuffin, BN. Demonstration of useful differences between MEG and EEG. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 1983, 56: 38-51.
Cuffin BN, Cohen D. Effects of detector coil size and configuration on measurements of the magneto-encephalogram. J Appl Physics 1983;54:3589-94.
Cohen D, Nemoto I. Ferrimagnetic particles in the lung. Part I: the magnetizing process. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1984, BME‑31:261-73.
Cohen D, Nemoto I, Kaufman L. Ferrimagnetic particles in the lung. Part II: the relaxation process. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1984, BME‑31:274-85.
Wood CC, Cohen D, Cuffin BN, Yarita M, and Allison T. Electrical sources in human somatosensory cortex: identification by combined magnetic and potential field recordings. Science 1985; 227:1051-53.
Burstein D, Cohen D. Comparison of magnetic field and electric potential produced by frog heart muscle. J Appl Physics 1985, 57: 2640-46.
Cohen D. and Cuffin, BN. A method for combining MEG and EEG to determine the sources. Physics in Med Biol 1987, 85-89.
Melcher J, Cohen D. Dependence of the MEG on dipole orientation in the rabbit head. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 1988, 70:460-72.
Cohen D, Cuffin BN. EEG vs. MEG localization accuracy: theory and experiment. Brain Topography 1991;4:95-103.
Cuffin BN, Cohen D, Yunokuchi K, Maniewski R, Purcell C, Cosgrove GR, Ives J, Kennedy JG, Schomer DL. EEG localization test using implanted sources in the human brain. Annals of Neurology 1991;29:132-38.
Cohen D, Cuffin BN. Developing a more focal magnetic stimulator. Part I: Some basic principles. J Clin Neurophysiol 1991; 8(1):102-11.
Yunokuchi K, Cohen D. Developing a more focal magnetic stimulator. Part II: Fabricating coils and measuring current distributions. J Clin Neurophysiol 1991; 8(1):112-20.
Chiappa KH, Cros D, Cohen D: Magnetic stimulation: determination of coil current flow direction. Neurology 1991;41(7)1154-5.
Cohen D: DC magnetic fields from the human body generally: a historical overview. Neurol Clin Neurophysiol 2004; 93:1-16.
Reviews, Chapters, Editorials
Cohen D. Summary of lens systems for high‑voltage electron microscopes. Proc of AMU‑ANL Workshop on High‑Voltage Electron Microscopy, ANL‑7275 (Argonne Natl. Lab) 1966:25-32.
Cohen D. Review of measurements of magnetic fields produced by natural ion currents in humans. IEEE Trans Mag 1970;6:344-45.
Cohen D, Lepeschkin E. Review of magnetocardiography. Proc XXVth Internat Cong of Physiolog Sci, Brussels. Rijlant P. et al,. eds. Presses Acad. Europeenes 1971: 91-98.
Cohen D, Hood WB Jr. Magnetocardiography [editorial]. Arch of Surg 1971;103:429.
Cohen D. Magnetic fields of the human body [review]. Physics Today, Aug.1975;34-43.
Cohen D. Editorial remarks. J. Electrocardiology 1976;9(4) Suppl on magnetocardiography: 397.
Cohen D. Biomagnetics [review]. McGraw‑Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw- Hill, New York: 1982, 125-8; also enlarged update in 1985.
Cohen D. Introduction. In: Biomagnetism: an interdisciplinary approach [chapter]. Williamson SJ, Romani GL, Kaufman L, Modena I, eds. NATO ASI Series. Plenum, New York. 1983; 5-15.
Cohen D. Steady fields of the heart. Chapter 9.4. In: Biomagnetism: an interdisciplinary approach. Williamson SJ, Romani GL, Kaufman L, Modena I, eds. NATO ASI Series. Plenum, New York. 1983; 265-74.
Cohen D. Steady fields of the body. Chapter 10. In: Biomagnetism: an interdisciplinary approach. Williamson SJ, Romani GL, Kaufman L, Modena I, eds. NATO ASI Series. Plenum, New York. 1983; 327-39.
Cohen D. Introduction: a 1984 perspective on biomagnetism [chapter]. In: Weinberg H, Stroink G, Katila T, eds. Biomagnetism: Applications and Theory. Pergamon Press, New York, 1985:4-8.
Cohen D. Introduction: An Overview of Biomagnetism in 1987 [chapter]. In: Atsumi K, Kotani M, Ueno S, Katila T, Williamson SJ, eds. Biomagnetism '87. Tokyo Denki Univ. Press, Tokyo, 1987:2-9.
Cohen D, Chiappa K, Cros D. Magneto-electric stimulation of the brain [review]. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Adelman G, Smith B, editors Elsevier, 1st, 2nd and 3rd (2004) editions
Cohen D, Halgren E. Magnetoencephalography [review]. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Adelman G, Smith B, editors Elsevier, 1st, 2nd and 3rd (2004) editions.
Cohen D: DC magnetic fields from the human body generally: a historical overview . In: Halgren E, Ahlfors S, Hämäläinen M, Cohen D, editors. Biomag 2004. Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Biomagnetism; Boston MA: 65-68.
Cohen, D. Some historical notes. In: Halgren E, Ahlfors S, Hämäläinen M, Cohen D, editors. Biomag 2004. Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Biomagnetism; Boston MA: x-xi.
Cohen, D. Boston and the history of biomagnetism. Neurol Clin Neurophysiol; (2004), Nov30;2004:114.
Cohen D and Halgren E (2009) Magnetoencephalography. In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 5, pp. 615-622. Oxford: Academic Press.
Some Posters
Cohen D, Crowther T, Gibbs G, Becklake M. Magnetic lung measurements in relation to occupational exposure in asbestos miners and millers of Quebec; Cohen D, ed. Monograph, 45 pages) 560/6‑81‑005, 1981.
Cohen D. Bremssstrahlung from proton bombardment of nuclei [Ph.D. dissertation in experimental nuclear physics]. University of California at Berkeley; 1955.
Cohen D, inventor; Cohen D, assignee. Magnetic study of bioelectric phenomena. US patent 3,557,777; 1971 Jan. 27. Summary: An apparatus and method for magnetic detection of bioelectric activity associated with muscle action or with other living tissue. The system comprises a magnetic shielding facility---and a highly sensitive magnetic detector within the enclosed space. ----Other uses, for example magnetic study of electric activity of the brain which might be termed magnetoencephalography, may also be achieved.
An interesting presentation
Cohen D. Feasibility of a Magnetic Stimulator for the brain.